How to track QR code usage

If you want to track how many times your QR codes are scanned/clicked on, you can do so with Qyrr.

With Qyrr, you’ll be able to create dynamic QR codes that allow you to track usage and a whole host of other things too. In this guide, we’ll show you how to track your dynamic QR code scans/clicks.

Note: To create your dynamic QR code, please follow our Create a QR code guide.

How to track your QR code usage numbers

To track your QR code’s clicks, take the following steps:

  1. From your WordPress dashboard, go to Qyrr > All QR Codes. You’ll see a list of all the QR codes you’ve created here.
  2. If your QR code is dynamic, in the Analytics column of this page, you’ll see the number of scans/clicks that the QR code has gotten.
QR code clicks and scans

How to reset your QR code usage/tracking numbers

If you want to reset these numbers for whatever reason, you can do so by taking the following steps:

  1. From your WordPress dashboard, go to Qyrr > Settings and click on the Utilities link on the left-hand side.
  2. Scroll down to the Reset Analytics Data section and click the Reset Analytics Data button.
reset analytics data qyrr